It was my Birthday 

It was my Birthday 

It went like this…

I woke up to my babies and hubby ( arguably the biggest baby) singing “Happy Birthday” with chocolate and flowers. Wasnt expecting much but, Awww such a sweet start to a Saturday morning. 

Daddysingh went off to work telling the girls to be extra good for mummy so you know what that means, right? Yes the complete opposite will be done.

Brushing teeth was a fight for survival with toothpaste and water everywhere… you never know who will come out first, the toothbrush or the child. 

At breakfast the nightmare continued as they didn’t want anything but the chocolates they gave me, haha. ( although I laugh now I was seriously pissed at the time).

By 10 am the lounge was destroyed with toys, ALL the toys they have and the conservatory had paint every where. That’s when they decided to go upstairs and play in mummy and daddy room. 

Oh hell No! To my many flaws I now completely lost it and threatened to throw Minnie mouse in the bin unless they were back down in 10 seconds. It did work, but only just with P but E has no fear or actually doesn’t give a shit (lol) and came down giggling. 

After lunch we went to Nannies house as me and my mum share the same Birthday. Once back though there was a flood of water in the kitchen commenced by begging for food even though they had had lunch, lunch 2 at Nannies and snacks!! Growing kids the say! 

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the garden and whilst they screamed, yelled and quarrelled I went round salvaging the house and picked up some paint whilst sorting out their fights. They do usually help clean up but sometimes I just need to do it myself and this was one of those days. It restores my peace and calm, ha! 

So finally as they settle down from fighting and actually playing I sat down on the garden furniture with my iced green tea and music.

Hmmm I thought the girls are playing really well and as I looked up there was the scene… a shit load of flour on the grass wtf and then I followed the trail I saw the trampoline was now a layer of white with 2 ghost girls bouncing up and down creating flour dust oh for fuck sake… actually who cares let them have fun for now. 

Just then I see a figure, I turn and see there was DaddySingh. Frowning because no one saw him or heard him at the door so he had to come through the side and then see a disaster. 

He just looks at me, says nothing and marches in to the house as if he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

So me and the girls jumped into the trampoline cleaned off the flour and had a bounce, well actually I got jumped on and lost the battle of ‘get up if you can’ 

Oh I did blow a candle though on my favourite protein cookie and yes I did sort that out by myself too, meh. 

So just a normal Saturday with extra wind ups and even moodier DaddySingh, the mood swings went on through the evening to night, so it definitely didnt finish off with a bang, if you get my drift…

Next year I might just jet off by myself, on a self care adventure, actually that sounds like a very good idea. 

Walking and climbing…

A chilled out Sunday, the girls were playing around and me and hubby were sitting and talking about an upcoming wedding and playing with the girls.

This doesn’t happen often as we are always doing something, so was a nice afternoon.
As me and hubby were in a conversation pause his attention went towards P and as I was looking on suddenly see something rising at the right of my peripheral vision. I immediately looked towards E who was already in the middle of her first step and then goes straight in to her second step…
Omg, omg yay! DaddySingh. Daddysingh, look. Omg DaddySingh LOOK! 
DaddySingh casually looks around and his expression joins mine as I continue to express my excitement.
Aaja E, aaja aaja. Yaaay! 
E now grinning like a Cheshire Cat goes in for her 4th step and dives onto me for hug and goes all shy!

P then joins in with all the excitement too.  Yay, well done E. 

3 days later, I accidentally left the stair gate open and as I turned E was was crawling up the stairs. I watched with caution and followed her in case she decided to go backwards. She got to the top without any difficulty, got up on to her feet and penguin walked in to one of the rooms. P came up immediately called E in to her room, turned to me and said mummy you can’t come in, you stay there. I’m going to close the door now, ok! and slams the door shut…oh ho!