Its time for a challenge me thinks!

Ive been using the elvie and really enjoy it. However its been inconsistent and although I sense a different im not seeing the real benefits of it so I have set myself a 2 week challenge. The goal is to use elvie everyday for 2 weeks and notice a real difference, but the difference here is that everyday ill post my feedback to you guys and let you know how im getting on.

Why am I doing this? Well I spent most of the afternoon in pain yesterday, took pain killers but the pain was so exhausting I was ready to collapse, especially having to push through to get things done and get theblids to bed so i can give myself some attention. Health is important and as a mum I think its important to set the right example to my girls. If I set a challenge and tell you all about it that means I will have to do it and thats a motivator. I also want to help other women, maybe to find courage to get help or even start thinking about their vaginal/gynaecological health too.

Ive already done a review so why another one? Im not just doing a review for a few clicks and shares, I want to improve my health and send out a positive and encouraging message to women and everybody actually that womens health does matter and we should talk about it. I could just do the 2 weeks and tell you at the end it was all great or not and what I thought of it but i want to do more than that, I want to share my journey and take you through the whole experience.

Why though? your probably thinking…as a society, gynaecological problems seem to be embarassing and women hesitate to talk about it for many reasons and I want to hopefully help a tiny bit to change that, because it shouldn’t be embarassing, we should be proud of what we can do with our bodies and be respected for, frankly speaking, the shit we go through/put up with, haha.

Hopefully if we can help and better ourselves we can then pave the way for future women to be confident and healthy but importantly more knowedgable about their southern areas, like pelvic floor exercises, no one told me to do them in my teens I could have done them, haha. We do have a long way to go, but every little helps.

I do find it hard though, to fit it in. Its just so easy to forget or not do it because something needs your attention or to be honest i just want to be lazy hehe and so by telling you lovely people how im getting on will make sure I do it and in turn hopefully showing me your love and support so that I know that at least its helping someone out there…

Ill post my start date and all the details in my next blog!